
,Luminar2018isacompletephotoeditorforWindowsandMacuserswithexcitingnewcontrolsandtools.Rightoffthebatgetbetterimageswithanimproved ...,2017年7月12日—MacphunlaunchedtheLuminarforWindowsBeta!Thisisapublicbetawhichmeansyouhavetheopportunitytodownloadandtestthesoftware, ...,WhydoesthebetapcluminarnotallowtosaveastifffilesoyoucanreopeninPhotoshopforadditionaledits.Itseemstoonlyallowsavingasjpeg.Rep...

New Luminar 2018 for Mac & PC.

Luminar 2018 is a complete photo editor for Windows and Mac users with exciting new controls and tools. Right off the bat get better images with an improved ...

Luminar for Windows Beta

2017年7月12日 — Macphun launched the Luminar for Windows Beta! This is a public beta which means you have the opportunity to download and test the software, ...

Macphun launches beta of Luminar photo editor for Windows

Why does the beta pc luminar not allow to save as tiff file so you can reopen in Photoshop for additional edits. It seems to only allow saving as jpeg. Reply.


2017年7月14日 — The beta version of Luminar for Windows teaches us one important thing: creativity should be at the core of the craft of photography. Let yours ...

Luminar for Windows Public Beta

2017年7月11日 — Skylum launches the free public beta of Luminar for Windows that takes “work” from photo editing “workflow” and makes image editing fun and ...